Saturday, December 27, 2008

Study links marijuana smoking to gum disease

Study links marijuana smoking to gum disease

By Will Dunham

WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) - Smoking marijuana, much like smoking tobacco, may increase a person's risk for gum disease that can lead to tooth loss, researchers said on Tuesday.

A study of 903 New Zealanders found that people who smoked marijuana frequently had triple the risk for severe gum disease and a 60 percent higher risk for a milder form of it compared to people who did not smoke the drug, also called cannabis.

People who smoked marijuana less frequently had a smaller increased risk for gum disease, the researchers said.

Gum or periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth. In advanced stages, the gums and bone that support the teeth can become seriously damaged and the teeth can become loose, fall out or have to be removed. MORE

Cannabis Link Pages

420 Kind Zone - Marijuana Related Links and Resources

420KindZone offers marijuana and smoking related resources. Check out our links, articles, and more at our resource directory.

Green Man's Page - Marijuana Seeds Search Engine and Free Marijuana Grow Guide Library.

Volcano Vaporizer North American Distribution and Sales!!

Do you own a Volcano?? Want to own one?? Search around before you buy as there is only a couple main distributors besides the Manufacture. If you find the best price? Let me know. I know the two best Northern California Distributors, and Southern California Distributor. Also the Manufacture is an options with massive orders, however for the cheapest or best deals test me... $539 and $669 are the MSP...however some stores and retailers are asking as much as $600- $750 depending on the classic or digital styles.

Some Prime Time GD...hmmm PT GD

Wow, not bad work of the top 10 Purples for the 2008 Season. Nice strain, Nice Taiste, although they could have done some better trimming. We are headed towards a new movement, new approach, hopefully some new strains.

Mid Grade or Low End from a Private Caregiver

Now from the start no comment on this strain:(

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

California NORML Release - Dec 21, 2008 News: (1) California NORML agenda for 2009 targets changing federal law: California

California NORML Release - Dec 21, 2008 News: (1) California NORML agenda for 2009 targets changing federal law:

California NORML Release - Dec 21, 2008

(1) California NORML agenda for 2009 targets changing federal law:
(2) California Police Chiefs Association called on the DEA to raid
medical marijuana facilities and undermine state law, according to a
letter submitted to the House Juciciary Committee.
(3) Warning: Marinol patients being tested for marijuana!
Cal NORML has recently heard increasing reports that Marinol
patients are being drug tested and denied employment for use of
marijuana. In particular, we have heard from legal Prop. 215
patients who were denied jobs despite presenting Marinol
prescriptions after being re-tested specifically for marijuana.
Until recently, Marinol and marijuana were indistinguishable on
the standard drug tests, so that patients with a Marinol prescription
had a valid medical excuse under federal law for testing positive for
marijuana. However, special testing techniques have been developed
that make it possible to distinguish the two by testing for
non-standard cannabinoids that appear in marijuana but not Marinol.
Until recently, these tests were expensive and rarely used except in
high-profile criminal cases. However, it appears that they are now
being routinely used by certain laboratories in cases where Marinol
use is claimed. In particular, we have heard reports of such
testing being used to disqualify Marinol-using Prop 215 patients by
the transportation industry and by Walmart.
Cal NORML has accordingly altered its drug testing advice to
warn against relying on Marinol RXs as a screen for marijuana use.
There is of course no valid scientific or health justification
for allowing patients to use Marinol but not marijuana. The only
purpose is to enforce compliance with the law. It is a tribute to
the power and influence of the drug testing industry that they have
prevailed in foisting the costs of this unnecessary and obnoxious
procedure on employers.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

LA area and Central Valley alert!

It's holiday season be alert, safe and careful... they normally work in stages and hit areas in packs... Sometimes its every 2 years sometimes 3 years..

Cal NORML Alert - DEA Raids in LA Dec 18th

A second DEA raid of the day in progress now at Ashmoon Caregivers, 21610
Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills, 91364.

HC Remedies, 21146 Ventura Blvd. Ste. 206 Woodland Hills CA 91346, was
raided by the DEA this morning.

No arrests were made however the store manager says one of the agents told
him that if they reopen or are seen working at another dispensary they will
be arrested.

At the dispensary agents seized approximately 25 pounds of marijuana, all
computers, and over 5,000 patients records.

Agents also raided the Ventura County homes of the dispensary owners and
seized about $50,000 cash, computers and documents.

HC Remedies and their home, Ashmoon Caregivers, 21610
Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills, 91364. Right now it
appears to be armed Christmas shopping (DEA is taking cars, electronics,
jewelry) - no arrests.